Sunday Ministries

Sunday Ministries

Grace Baptist Church offers Sunday School and worship for all ages!

Children's Sunday School:

Sunday School is for everyone. During this time, children form 2-years through 6th grade are challenged to learn lessons from the Scriptures to help them grow in the Lord.

Youth Sunday School:

Our youth group provides junior and senior high with fun activities, exciting trips, and Biblical teaching to challenge them in their personal walk with God.

Adult Sunday School:

Our adult Sunday School class uses the principles of Scripture to help class members face the situations they are experiencing at this time in their lives, as they have a deeper understanding of God and His plan.

Children's Worship Service:

Children's Church meets at the same time as our main worship service at 10:45 a.m. This program is designed to lead children 2-years through 6th grade in their own worship service geared to satisfy their unique needs.

Adult Worship Service:

Our main worship service takes place at 10:45 a.m. and combines a contemporary worship environment with good, old fashioned country church atmosphere.

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